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I’m going (so long as our baby cooperates and stays put!) to Britmums 2014 in just a few short weeks!  I went last year and had the best time, despite having no idea where I was going and ending up relying on a kind taxi driver to save me.  This is why, heavily pregnant, I’m going again.  It was amazing.
So here’s me…
Name: Sara-Jayne
Twitter ID: 
5′ 7″ (until this year I thought I was 5′ 3″ so I feel tall now)
Mousey brown and verrrrry long.
Blue, held open with matchsticks
Noticeable Features: 
Hugely pregnant belly (38 weeks)
Is this your first blogging conference? 
No. I’ve been to Cybher, Blog Summit and Britmums (2013) and BlogCamp (2014) so far.
Are you attending both days? 
As long as I’m not in labour, yes!
What are you most looking forward to at Britmums Live 2014?
Honestly, having some me time!  I’m looking forward to meeting the lovely bloggers I met last year who made me feel so at ease (Johnson Babies!).  I came away last year feeling so inspired and am looking forward to learning more this time around.  And the huge bed at the hotel. And the rainfall shower. Oh, and going to the bathroom without an entourage. I’m really looking forward to that part.
What do you hope to gain from Britmums Live 2014?
I’m a naturally shy person who smiles a lot to hide it.  I’d love to meet some more people instead of hiding from them and then tweeting a few days later how sad I was not to meet them.  On the blogging side, I’d love to gain more practical knowledge about SEO and the technological stuff that goes into making a blog more successful and/or visible.  I’m  a storyteller at heart, but I love to learn the nuts and bolts of a subject.
What are you wearing?
I’ll be 38 weeks pregnant.  Pyjamas? Seriously. I might be in yoga pants.
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
If you’re in a session and it’s flying straight over your head, leave and get a coffee instead.  No one will judge you (I hope) and last time after becoming completely confused over a very high tech SEO presentation, I ducked out and had a little me time in the lounge with the biscuits.Photograph Copyright Root Photography

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